This section of the website is a place where members only can post an ad to buy or sell photography gear. This section is viewable by the public. To post an ad, email the pertinent information to David Milner at If you buy or sell please notify David to cancel your ad. Ads will be removed after a three month period if no cancellation occurs.

If submitting an image with your ad it must be no larger than 200 px. on the long side.

For Sale: Filters

Polarizer Filter
Singh-Ray 77mm LB Warming Circular Polarizer Filter. Condition: excellent.

Asking: $149.00

Graduated Neutral Density Filters
Singh-Ray Galen Rowell Filter ND-2G-HS and Galen Rowell Filter ND-3G-SS. Also the filter holder and adapters for 77mm and 58mm lens.
Condition: excellent.

Asking: $149.00

Contact: Donna Fremont

Posted January 28/25


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